An Audio Essay by Marina Hart Donahue

Are Baby Boomers really the angriest generation, or is Gen X, Millennials, or even Gen Z taking the crown? “The Angriest Generation” is a deep dive into the emotions that define each generation, with a focus on anger.

Through a blend of data analysis and storytelling, this audio experience aims to uncover whether certain generations are more prone to anger and if so, why. Inspired by real-life observations and backed by data from incident reports, cultural events, and personal interviews, this piece seeks to understand the role of generational experiences in shaping our emotional responses.

Whether you’re curious about societal trends or just want to know who might be honking at you in traffic, join us as we unravel the mysteries of generational anger. Listen to the audio essay below to find out: Which generation is truly the angriest?

Project was brought to you by the Loyola School of Communication Faculty/Student Mentorship Awards under the supervision of DMST Program Director Richelle Rogers. Learn more about the project here.